Thursday, October 2, 2008

Commitee Meeting.

Every few months a group of professional writers based in East Anglia meet up over a long lazy meal, cooked by one of our number, assisted on occasions by their partners (the degree of assistance varies from household to household but generally those who help, whether by suggesting menus, growing the ingredients or doing the lion's share of the cooking, make a huge contribution which in any other organisation would probably mean they got mentioned in dispatches or given a commemorative plate and bouquet).

Anyway the food is always good, the company wonderful, and conversation ranges from the cerebral, via the popularist, through to high farce and low comedy. Today it involved a cross country hike to an allotment.

I was invited to join after the whole thing was established, but the general idea is that we circulate menus not minutes, and - at meetings - quickly get down to talking, drinking, eating, laughing, and walking - no minutes are taken, no subs collected and no business done, any matters arising are quickly forgotten.

Long may it continue.

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