Thursday, March 20, 2008

all new poo

I spent a long time yesterday buying shampoo, or more precisely not buying shampoo - it's a minefield. In my childhood you had bought Vosene, Silverkrin, Head and Shoulders or something for nits - and as far as I can remember no one died of shampoo related angst.

Now you need a degree to pick you way through the shelves. Is my hair curly but wistful with just a hint of defiance, or fine and windswept with a longing for the perfumed vistas of the Hindu Kush - Am I in need of some kind of intense treatment? Isn't serum something the gave Roger Moore when he had been bitten by a black mamba?

It was bad enough owning up to being greasy, normal or dry - You can't be normal anymore, there isn't a bottle of shampoo for it.

I bought what was on offer because the bottles go with my bathroom, and decided if challenged that a life that believes it can be improved by choosing the right shampoo isn’t worth improving.

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